The MC Band perform the world premiere of Luc Ferrari's composition Les Émois d'Aphrodite ("The Emotions of Aphrodite"; 1998) at the Other Minds Music Festival in 1999 at the Cowell Theater in San Francisco.
Les Émois d'Aphrodite (1998) une premièe danse un morceau de peur une deuxième danse une bonne portion de trip charnel enfin une danse sauvage d'Aphrodite
The MC Band March Chun, music director
March Chun, synthesizer John McGinn, piano Kevin Neuhoff, percussion Tony Striplen, clarinet Mike Touchi, synthesizer
Mark Grey, tecnhnical director
The presentation of this work was made possible with the support of Mrs. Ralph I. Dorfman
According to the program notes: Les Émois d'Aphrodite is one of many Ferrarian essays in musical Freudian psychology. The work has gone through several versions, having been composed in 1986 for clarinet, piano and percussion, and subsequently revised in 1991. This verison from May-June 1998 superimposes a new work on the old and adds two keyboards and may be considered a completely new work. The scoring now is for clarinet, piano, percussion and two sampling keyboards plus tape.
It's in five movements and players are instructed to play joyously and violently in the two dance movements. It is intended that some sounds from the pre-recorded tape cover the instruments and vice versa. A cyclic, modal style of writing which Ferrari has developed since the 50s, and which predates American minimalism, permeates the piece. - Charles Amirkhanian
All Other Minds programs available, with additional print and photo materials, at